We hope and pray that you are all well. We continue to work our normal routine. Last Friday’s storms in the Wilton area have kept us a little more busy. Thankfully, no one was hurt.
As your insurance agency, our goal is always to be the best we can be. But during these very different times, reaching out to those who need help is more important than ever.
We have created a couple of videos that we think you’ll like! Counting our blessings and finding the silver linings in every day.
We’re trying really hard to make people SMILE these days. It’s well-needed medicine! The O’Brien’s Angels have been busy bringing smiles to people. This Facebook group is for folks who have something to give to connect with folks who have a need, to lift one another up, and to help one another out. It is the evolution of Neighbors Helping Neighbors, another Facebook group we had founded on Facebook several years ago. Since 2017, O’Brien’s Angels have helped an uncountable number of people, and also launched Food For Thought, which helps out hungry schoolchildren in our region. If you are not already a part of this group, we urge you to click this link and join the Angels!
This Memorial Day weekend will definitely be different, but let us not forget those who served our Country and paid it with their lives.
Not sure about you, but with this virus, we are trying to be more appreciative of the LITTLE things in life. And one of those GREAT things is living in The Adirondack Region.
To this end and thanking our TEAM for all their work, starting on Friday July 10, we will close on Fridays at noon through the summer. This will allow them to enjoy more of the sunshine with their families.
So thank you for your continued trust in our mission to be the best insurance agency we can be and to support those in our community who need help. Count our blessings, right? Yes.
We hope you have had an AWESOME, blessed weekend.