An instant quote or fifteen minutes to save 15% on your insurance may sound enticing, especially when time is precious and your wallet is tight. While an insurance company may save you money right away, it may not be the choice to go with in the long run.
We often forget just how IMPORTANT an insurance policy is. It’s not something to rush into – it protects your LOVED ONES, your VALUABLES, your HOME, and so much more. Can a policy that’s created in less time than a lunch break really be tailored to your needs? A comprehensive policy takes thought, time, and research. It takes someone who knows you and your needs. That’s where your local, independent agent comes in…
We know YOU – A local agent lives where you live, attends the same activities you do, and understands the needs of the community. We are better equipped to serve you because we are familiar with your issues and your policy. You are NOT a number – You are a FRIEND and NEIGHBOR who we have invested our time into, and we’re here to help you!
- We offer OUTSTANDING customer service – Would you put your trust in someone you’ve never come face to face with when it comes to protecting your family? An 800 number only offers you phone calls with agents you don’t know or an automated service that can leave you feeling frustrated in an already stressful situation. A local agency has time to invest in you. Customer service is our number one priority. You can call us, you can e-mail us, you can come knocking at our door… and we will always be there to answer your questions and needs.
- We do the research for you – A policy isn’t about what’s quickest or cheapest. A good policy will be completely tailored to what you need. Let an independent agent do the work for you. We partner with multiple agencies to offer you the most comprehensive coverage you could want, like your own personal shopper! We will search until we find you a policy that fits within your budget, includes all of your needs when it comes to being protected, and is easy to understand.
- Understanding – Insurance can be lengthy and confusing, leaving you with many unanswered questions. Your independent agent brings years of experience, and up-to-date knowledge to the table. Come to us with your questions, and you’ll get answers! No question is too small. It’s important that you leave your agency understanding your coverage and having peace of mind.
- A one-stop shop – Because independent agencies offer multiple kinds of insuranceprotection, they make it easy to group all of your policies under one roof. No need to deal with two or three different companies. We help you stay organized and reduce your time spent going back and forth between companies.
- Involvement in the community – a HUGE plus to choosing an independent agent is that they not only invest time in you, but they give back to their community as well. Because we own a local business, we know just how IMPORTANT it is to invest in other local businesses and charities. If you’re an O’Brien client or friend, you know how much GIVING BACK means to us. When you put your time and love into your community, you’re setting it up for AMAZING things.
O’Brien Insurance has spent the last 60 years working hard to ensure that their clients feel protected, understood, and cared for.
We pride ourselves in the customer service we provide and the workwe do in our community year after year. If you’re looking for someone who has your back, who you want to build a relationship with, and who you want to put your trust in, choose an independent agent – choose O’Brien Insurance.