Life Insurance 101

Life Insurance 101

Most of us recognize having a life insurance policy is a responsible move, especially if we have loved ones who rely on us financially. We know that life insurance is a proactive measure to protect the people we care about when we’re gone, and it can give us peace of mind while we’re living. We […]

What’s the Difference Between an Insurance Company and an Insurance Agency?

What’s the Difference Between an Insurance Company and an Insurance Agency?

We often hear terms like “company”, “agency”, “broker”, and “carrier” used seemingly interchangeably when talking about insurance. But, there are some significant differences between an insurance agency, sometimes called an insurance broker, and an insurance company, also known as an insurance carrier. We’re here to help explain how an insurance agency differs from an insurance […]

A Moving Out-of-State Auto Insurance Guide

A Moving Out-of-State Auto Insurance Guide

Are you planning to relocate out-of-state in the near future? Do you know what actions to take to make sure your vehicle is properly insured in your soon-to-be new home state? If this is a new process for you, or if you’re old-hat at moving but would like a refresher, we’ve got you covered. O’Brien […]

Why You Should Have an Umbrella Policy

Why You Should Have an Umbrella Policy

If you or a family member were sued, would your personal insurance coverage – such as your homeowners, automobile, or boating insurance policies – provide you with adequate protection? Unless you can confidently answer “yes”, it’s time to look into umbrella policy options. Umbrella policies provide financial protection beyond what’s covered by your existing policies, […]

3 Causes of Auto Insurance Rate Increases and What You Can Do About Them

3 Causes of Auto Insurance Rate Increases and What You Can Do About Them

When it comes time to renew car insurance policies, it’s not uncommon to learn your premium will be higher than it was during the previous coverage period. It can be understandably frustrating when auto insurance rates rise seemingly without justification. Rates are subject to change at the insurance companies’ discretion, and each insurer has its […]